Chris Levine, Inner [Deep] Space

Chris Levine offers a spectrum of works from the cornucopia of his imagination and prodigious workshop: light/sound installations, holographic portraits, sculptures, laser etchings, silkscreens and prints. His inspiration is rooted in contemplative practice, pondering qualities such as focus, openness, equanimity, composure, grace, steadiness, imperturbability, prudence, fairness, peace, acceptance, passion, compassion and stillness. He investigates attention itself. What we pay attention to is our time, our life, as much as heartbeat and breath.

“In modern life we are bombarded with all manner of information and sensory input and we become overloaded, we get sick, tired and numb. Meditation is the key to refuge from the crazy world we live in as we restore balance and become liberated from fear and anxiety. In my work, I’m looking to take people, even momentarily, into a fast track meditative space which can be healing and transformative.

Stillness is a portal to a divine realm where the bandwidth of perception opens up and Truth reveals itself.” - Chris Levine

This show is about attention and presence, sharing the artist’s experience of who we are as individuals, who we are as a species, our relation to other beings, and how we are connected in the cosmos.